Our new friends at Graffinis recently sent us a few brand new suits to shoot, because they though they would look great on our models… So, in addition to making awesome swimwear, they also have good taste! I immediately thought of Shay for these, because… come on. Shay in a bikini is one of the wonders of the world… And putting one on her in April makes it seem like summer has begun.…
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Cherie’s Favorite Photos
One year ago today, I set out on my own to create the site I’ve always wanted to do. I set out to make a fun, sexy site for people who love girls, no matter who they are. Judging from the emails we get, there are people from all over the planet hearting girls just as much as me!…
View Post amie nicole, ash hollywood, cherie roberts, christine aguiling, cindy bru, danielle harris, destiny papalia, gabby jeanne, genevieve alexandra, jennie reid, justene jaro, leeanna vamp, liz katz, Megan Duffy, michelle tomniczak, mosh, ryan keely, samantha bentley, sara brinsfield, shay maria, sierra love, talisa monetJim Mahfood ♥s Girls: Shay Maria Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here!
To easily find your desktop resolution, visit whatismyscreenresolution.com
View Post actress, bikini, brunette, geek, jim mahfood, shay maria, star wars, wallpapersTop Ten Sets of 2012
2012 marked the birth of iheartgirls.com, and although the site isn’t quite a year old (stay tuned for that gala celebration), we put together a list of the ten most popular photo sets from the year that was. Stay tuned for a lot more from IHG in 2013: new girls, new videos, and even more artist collaborations, in addition to all of your returning favorites.…
View Post bikini, blonde, brunette, cherie roberts, cindy bru, gabby jeanne, justene jaro, leeanna vamp, lingerie, liz katz, pantyhose, ryan keely, sara brinsfield, shay maria, star warsJim Mahfood ♥s Girls: Shay Maria
We started IHG as a place for girl appreciators to congregate, and in our never-ending effort to promote the glory of girls, today we’re doing something brand new. From time to time, we will be asking artists from all different mediums to collaborate with us, combining forces to create new and amazing pieces.…
View Post artist, brunette, jim mahfood, shay maria, star warsJim Mahfood ♥s Girls: Shay Maria Video
Kicking off our very first artist collaboration, Jim Mahfood, Shay Maria and I combined to produce a galactic mashup of Star Wars goodness. Willie T. directed an awesome behind-the-scenes/interview video of Jim talking about his distinctive art style, his approach to drawing girls and more. There’s also plenty of classic Shay awesomeness, beep-boop-beeping as R2-D2> It’s a must watch!
Check out the video below:

Shay Maria ♥s Bed Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here!
To easily find your desktop resolution, visit whatismyscreenresolution.com…
View Post brunette, lingerie, pantyhose, shay maria, wallpapersInstagram Sneak Peeks
Waiting sucks. Whether you’re waiting for Christmas, or for The Hobbit to come out, or for a bus, or for that girl in your office to notice you, waiting just sucks. We don’t like making you wait. So, we’ve devised a way to show you sneak peeks of new sets well in advance: Instagram (follow: iheartgirlsdotcom).…
View Post instagram, jennie reid, lingerie, liz katz, shay mariaShay Maria ♥s Bed
Whenever I shoot in a loft downtown, I get visions of owning my very own studio/work space, with a constant parade of models sunning themselves in front of my huge, perfect windows. Me effortlessly snapping away while gorgeous girls tumble around in the glow of the magic hour. It would mean less travel, less packing, and less hauling equipment up strange elevators.…
View Post actress, brunette, lingerie, shay mariaShay Maria
Shay popped on to my radar a few years ago, and was one of those models I saw and immediately said, “I have to shoot this girl.” The first thing we ever shot together was an awesome Lolita-esque set I did for Babeology’s Valentine’s Day edition. From the moment I snapped my first frame of her, I was in photo love.…
View Post actress, brunette, shay maria