This was the very first time I shot Sierra. We picked out the outfit, jumped in the car, and headed to the subway station near the studio. I loved the irony of shooting a subway set in Los Angeles, and I couldn’t have found a better model for the task. Sierra jumped right into action, […]
View PostPardon Our Dust
And no, this isn’t a Beastie Boys reference. We’re in the process of moving servers to speed up the site and make hearting girls even easier! If you happen to see anything amiss, or are experiencing site problems in any way, please let us know so we can make your time here extra awesome. That’s […]
Samantha Bentley ♥s Black Lace Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here! To easily find your desktop resolution, visit You might also love: Samantha Bentley ♥s Black Lace Samantha Bentley ♥s Pantyhose […]
Shay Maria ♥s Bed Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here! To easily find your desktop resolution, visit You might also love: Shay Maria ♥s Bed Shay Maria ♥s Pastel Jim […]
Miss Mosh ♥s Sexy Little Things
I’ve been shooting Mosh for years now, and our collaborations just keep getting better. This particular set is so simple: just lace lingerie, red lipstick and Mosh, who is a force of nature in front of the camera. Even my cat Humbert was drawn to her during the shoot… he thought he was her little […]
Samantha Bentley ♥s Black Lace
I love shooting brand new girls. It’s kinda like Pokemon… gotta catch ’em all! To belabor the analogy further, getting to shoot beautiful girls from overseas is like catching a rare Pokemon. Okay, I am done with the Poke-references. This past weekend, I got the rare opportunity to shoot London native Samantha Bentley, and we […]
Instagram Sneak Peeks
Waiting sucks. Whether you’re waiting for Christmas, or for The Hobbit to come out, or for a bus, or for that girl in your office to notice you, waiting just sucks. We don’t like making you wait. So, we’ve devised a way to show you sneak peeks of new sets well in advance: Instagram (follow: […]
Liz Katz ♥s Catwoman Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here! To easily find your desktop resolution, visit You might also love: Liz Katz ♥s Catwoman Girls in My Bed: Gabby […]
Shay Maria ♥s Bed
Whenever I shoot in a loft downtown, I get visions of owning my very own studio/work space, with a constant parade of models sunning themselves in front of my huge, perfect windows. Me effortlessly snapping away while gorgeous girls tumble around in the glow of the magic hour. It would mean less travel, less packing, […]
Jennie Reid ♥s Red Stripes Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here! To easily find your desktop resolution, visit You might also love: Jennie Reid ♥s Red Stripes Double Exposure: Jennie Reid […]
Liz Katz ♥s Catwoman
Since I met Liz at a convention where she was cosplaying, it only made sense to shoot her in costume for IHG. We weren’t specifically going for Catwoman, but as the outfit came together, it became obvious that’s where we were going to end up. Liz snarled and purred through the set, and I tried […]
Genevieve Alexandra ♥s The USA Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here! To easily find your desktop resolution, visit You might also love: Genevieve Alexandra ♥s The USA Genevieve Alexandra ♥s Comfy […]
Jennie Reid ♥s Red Stripes
Sometimes, I’ll get a prop, outfit or backdrop and not use it for years. It will sit there waiting until the perfect moment of discovery, and when I decide to use it, it’s the conclusion to a long story. Then there’s the other side of the equation. Sometimes I get something and I can’t wait […]
Double Exposure: Leianna Kai ♥s Spidey
The Amazing Spider-Man is tearing up the box office, ensuring that millions of people have Webhead in their minds (and hearts). I can’t see Spidey without thinking about one of my favorite sets from the IGN Babeology days, a cute photo shoot we did with the amazing Leianna Kai (Spidey hasn’t cornered the market on […]
Genevieve Alexandra ♥s The USA
Who knew when the day started that Genevieve would be dangling from a borrowed RV for a sun-soaked July 4th tribute set? Not me, but that’s the beauty of photo shoots: you never know quite what’s going to go down. The day started with a simple lingerie look, but when we went for the stars […]
Megan Duffy ♥s Milk Video
It’s not enough that we dressed up Megan as a cat and made her adorable, milk and all (well, coconut non-dairy creamer… the magic of photography!). We had to go and take her behind-the-scenes footage and set it to sultry cat-themed music. Just watch and learn and thank me later… But be prepared for extreme cuteness.

After you hit play, click on the little cog wheel on the video to change the quality. It’s best viewed in 720p HD. And be sure to subscribe to the iheartgirlsdotcom YouTube channel!
You might also love: Megan Duffy ♥s Milk Megan Duffy ♥s Black Lingerie Megan Duffy ♥s Wine and Cats
Michelle Tomniczak ♥s Tighty-Whities Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here! To easily find your desktop resolution, visit You might also love: Michelle Tomniczak ♥s Tighty-Whities Double Exposure: Leianna Kai ♥s […]
Michelle Tomniczak ♥s Tighty-Whities
Michelle Tomniczak stopped by to shoot a set that proves that girls look hotter than guys in all clothes. She makes the combination of wifebeater and tighty-whities into a thing of extreme beauty.
Girls in My Bed: Gabby Jeanne Wallpapers
Now you can harness the power of cute girls to make your mundane desktop glow with beauty! All of our wallpapers are 100% guaranteed to deliver computer joy. For more iheartgirls wallpapers, click here! To easily find your desktop resolution, visit You might also love: Girls in My Bed: Gabby Jeanne Double Exposure: Gabby […]
What Do Saints Row, Penthouse and I Have in Common?
THQ recently did the world a huge favor by releasing the Penthouse pack for Saint’s Row: The Third. The game is already awesome, but it got even cooler with the addition of Penthouse Pets. However, the ultimate, ultimate in coolness is that I got to shoot the photos that were used to create the models […]