There are many reasons for folks to be envious of Miss Mosh. She’s an amazing model, driven to be the best at what she does. She’s gorgeous, with perfect skin and a beautiful body. She’s smart, sticks up for herself and is well respected and desired the world over.
But let me give you one more reason (and this might not apply as much to the guys out there): Miss Mosh not only has an entire closet dedicated to shoes, but they are great, great, cute, amazing shoes… And there are so many of them. I’m quite a sucker for a pair of shoes myself so when I was given the opportunity to shoot Miss Mosh in this treasure trove of loveliness, I couldn’t say no. I could only say emphatically yes.
Of course, good luck focusing on the impression collection, because in the foreground is the much more impressive Miss Mosh, looking dangerously beautiful in latex. The riding crop is a bonus. I think we’ve covered multiple bases here! Please enjoy.
Cherie… GRACIAS por estas fotos de Mosh. Son una dupla excelente.
Debo tener unas 1000 fotos de Miss Mosh, las tuyas están siempre entre las mejores. Adoro a la blonda, pero todavía no puedo creer su belleza.
Es como un sueño repetido e inalcanzable.
Es probable que la distancia juegue a mi favor, y que la ensoñación desde mi Argentina natal permanezca indefinida e infinitamente amorosa.
Thank you!!!

shoes <3
Ooooooooh my!!! One of my favorite models with dozens of my favorite things. Fabulous!
Thank you Jin! And agreed… a girl can never have too many shoes.

Wow. A blonde in latex? Hey, I wouldn’t mind selling shoes to Miss Mosh. And from the looks of her, I better give a good deal or else!

Ooh Mosh you sexy thing. And she really does have perfect skin. It looks so touchable! Love the latex too, it shows off her enticing curves in all the right places.
Yes, again, I agree completely about it all. Mosh and latex are a perfect match, and her skin is ridiculously perfect.
There is a shoe collection in those photos…? haha
Far out she is stunning! The black dress, ruby red lips and her creamy white skin (which just seems so absolutely perfect!) contrasts to a level of awesomeness that can not be beaten.

The looks she been going with of late is gorgeous – I love it!
Her skin must be mind blowing to see in person Cherie?
And thanks heaps for another spectacular set
Hi Mr Bond, Mosh’s skin is absolutely immaculate and milky. Enough to make any girl envious! Glad you liked the set, and Mosh is like a fine wine. Just gets better and better with time
How is it even possible?!
Spank me! Miss Mosh is absolutely stunning as always, and you have taken beautiful pictures of her.
Thank you Thomas!