There is a moment at almost every shoot where everything is nearly perfect but the photo could use one last element to finish it off. In this case, we had the beautiful model Chelsea Skye, we had the adorable Easter bunny ears, and we had the cute pink lingerie, but we were missing candy. And a candy-less Easter bunny shoot is just… not an Easter bunny shoot.
Luckily I have a speedy assistant and a grocery store within striking distance so once we decided we needed Peeps and chocolate bunnies and Easter grass (not pictured), it was fairly easy to complete the vision. Kudos to Chelsea for suffering through melty chocolate fingers and sugar overload… but it was all worth it! I love how these came together.
What’s more, I love Chelsea. She’s obviously beautiful, but also a lot of fun to have on set. And polite! Politeness goes a long way with me, especially when I am buttering people up with sugary treats. I hope you guys think these are as sweet as I do! Tell me about your favorite Easter candy in the comments below.
That lip stick color is eye catcher on Chelsea. My favorite Easter candy Reese’s peanut butter chocolate eggs. Sorry, no Peeps here.
Thank you David! I do love the hot pink lipstick on her as well.
I’m with ya on the Peep front (although I have to admit I did eat one at the shoot just for ol’ times sake!)
Chelsea makes a sweet looking bunny. Also anything made of chocolate, like anything doesn’t matter what kind either. Happy Easter.
Happy belated Easter! Haha, I love chocolate a lot too but as an adult, I feel like either my sweet tooth has become more refined or else candy is being made crappier because things I used to love taste kinda terrible to me now.
I wanted to make s’mores recently and used a Hershey’s bar and the chocolate tasted gritty and too sweet. Sad realities of growing up! Haha 
Yeah i can’t eat candy anymore too sweet but chocalate still tastes good to me although i will agree i do notice a slight difference sometimes. Ice cream is still good though thank the universe for that.
Agreed! I don’t think I have ever eaten an ice cream that I didn’t like
Forget the chocolate this year; I’ll have Miss Skye! Best Easter Bunny EVER!
I very much appreciate politeness as well Cherie, unfortunately it is something that can be very much forgotten these days, and very easily overlooked as a desirable trait. SO I’m delighted to see that Chelsea has both beauty and politeness is absolute spades!
I’m not a huge chocolate eater, though I do traditionally tend to have a Lindt Gold Bunny (white chocolate) for Easter, but any sort of chocolate egg filled with caramel always goes down very well
Hope you have a happy Easter Miss Roberts
Hope you had a Happy Easter as well!
I agree, Chelsea is probably the best Easter Bunny I’ve seen yet. Plus a lot healthier for the diet.
Yes, chivalry and good manners are hard to come by nowadays… so it’s always noticeable and very appreciated when I do come across either.
I had a chocolate bunny gifted to me this year (it wasn’t one of the holiday section mass-produced ones, thankfully) but I usually just have a little bag of my Cadbury Mini-Eggs (although caramel eggs would be a close second.) I used to hate Peeps as a kid (although I would still eat them when I got them in my basket, typical kid) but now they’re kind of nostalgic for me. Same with the Cadbury Creme Eggs… never liked them much as a kid, and even though the sweetness is cringe-worthy, it doesn’t stop me from taking a bite down memory lane.

Beautiful girl and awesome pic. My guilty Easter candy pleasure is Cadbury caramel eggs
Thank you Thomas! I am guilty of eating a Cadbury Caramel Egg or two in my day, but my real faves are the Cadbury Mini-Eggs. So good!