In my line of work, shopping for amazing lingerie is practically another full-time job for me. Thankfully, pairing awesome underthings with awesome women is one of life’s joys. And it’s extra-fun picking out lingerie for Tanit because she shares my deep appreciation for the art of undies.
She’s the ultimate lingerie model–sleek, toned, and curvy right where she needs to be. She loves lacy, barely-there black lingerie, so that was the mission. When prepping for her shoot, I wanted to track down something truly extraordinary, and–as I’m sure you’ll agree from photo evidence below–mission accomplished.
The undies in this shoot were procured at the go-to Hollywood legend, Trashy Lingerie. The place is a paradise of lace and wonder; any trip there invariably leads to some excruciating choices. I want it all! After waffling between this set and another gorgeous piece, I went with instinct and took the less-is-more approach.
Of course, lingerie on its own is only potential… You need exquisite beauty to bring it to life. As expected, Tanit realized that potential and then some! There are women who are just born to wear pretty things, and Tanit is one of them. I love that this shoot showcases Tanit’s serious abilities as a seductress but also captures her playful side. I love shooting this girl!
Tanit is looking fine Cherie, great set.
Thank you Billy!
Booking my ticket to South Africa now lolol
Black bra, black panties, black lace top stay-ups all residing on a gorgeous brunette! Sheer elegance and class at its SUPER sexy simple best!
Thanks for another fantastic set Cherie
Thank you!
Tanit is something else!
This set is amazing Cherie! especially the fifth picture very seducing look to it.
Thank you! I like the 5th photo as well.