For Day Three of the iheartgirls 12 days of Christmas, we wanted to give you the gift of video. If you are a long-time fan of IHG, you may remember this gorgeous glowing set of Michelle Tomniczak.
We thought it only fitting to bring it back in video form. What better gift than that of tighty-whities on a beautiful girl?
The awesome music provided for this video by The Clouds Below… enjoy!
After you hit play, click on the little cog wheel on the video to change the quality. It’s best viewed in 720p HD. And be sure to subscribe to the iheartgirlsdotcom YouTube channel!
Be sure to check back daily until Christmas for brand new goodies from iheartgirls’ 12 Days of Christmas.
Could I please get one of Michelle Tomniczak from you? I’m her BIGGEST FAN EVER!
Michelle is so AWESOME!
Michelle is quite amazing.
She’s magical

Yeah!! can’t wait for one. pretty please.
Check back in the new year for a Michelle giveaway
Are you giving away a autographed signed photo of Michelle Tomniczak? I want one Please.
Check back in the new year for a Michelle giveaway