Football season is upon us! It’s time to unpack the cheese dip tray, dust off your foam finger, and brush up on your cursing. The NFL season is a very special time of the year… just ask anyone but me. Although I’m not the world’s biggest football fan, I strive to be a wish fulfillment specialist. That’s why we’ll be rolling out one Double Exposure throwback set a week, starting today, featuring your favorite models matched up to your favorite teams (results may vary).
First up is one of the biggest football fans I know: Sara Brinsfield repping her team, those lovable New England Patriots. I know people like to question loyalty and try to gauge just how big a fan someone is (Hint: it doesn’t matter), and if you’re one of those kind of people, all you need to know is that Sara hand-customized her own Pats helmet. Or just follow her Twitter feed any given Sunday. Her loyalty is without question. Just try to talk smack about the Patriots and you will regret it. The Asian Dime does not suffer Jets fans lightly… but even they would agree she looks mighty fine in Navy blue.
Sara Brinsfield certainly is a dime piece. Even though I would say on a scale of 1-10 she is a 12. The only time I really get into football is when it’s the Super Bowl.
I certainly wouldn’t mind getting into a huddle with her.
Sara is more of a silver dollar if you ask me!
Not even the Superbowl can reel me in. If I am at a SB party, it’s only for the chips, dips, and wings haha
It would be awesome if you would post some of thes from the CFL… said no one ever. LOLOL
Hahaha… let’s not offend our Canadian neighbors
I’m not into football but Sara is Gorgeous Cherie.
I am on the same page as you are, Billy!