Horror fans have been anticipating the release of the gory remake to Maniac ever since glowing reviews from the Cannes Film Festival. It’s coming out very soon in Europe and will debut stateside in June. In the movie, Megan plays a nice young lady who unwittingly goes on a date with a serial killer after meeting on an online dating site. Dates with serial killers rarely end in bliss. I’ve seen one of Megan’s scenes (THE scene) and well, sorry Megan. Ouch.
To clear my head of that imagery, I wanted to shoot my sweet, cute Megan in a happier place. And what place is happier than one that includes red wine, cats and lingerie? Wine is wine, Ron the Cat is soft, and lingerie is designed to send everyone to a happy place. Take a look below and I’m sure you’ll agree.
Megan is very cute! The lingerie, even though it’s more conservative(as far as lingerie goes), is really nice. And she wears it amazingly well! I think mystery in a woman is sexy, so a woman being conservative makes her more enticing in a different way. If that makes sense.
Ron is cute too btw. I don’t want him to feel left out. Lol! He actually reminds me of a real life version of Tom from “Tom and Jerry.”
Cherie, I love this set! And I hope you plan to include Humbert in a future set. If you don’t, Ron will keep bragging to him about how he got to do a shoot with a beautiful woman.
Hi Geoff!
Megan is such a natural in front of the camera. Since she is an actress first, and model second, she brings a different flair to photo shoots that most regular models don’t have. She is playful, comfortable being herself, and isn’t afraid to laugh! Makes shooting her a real pleasure. And I agree that sometimes, less is more, and in this case, showing a little less skin is definitely more mysterious.
And you’re right! Ron def has Tom’s coloring, and I’m sure if there were a “Jerry” around, the same kinds of hijinks would take place at my home.
Glad you liked the set! I definitely try to involve Humbert, but he’s usually camera shy. Not to worry though, because behind the scenes, Humbert is the one usually cuddling up with all of the ladies who come through. Haha
LOL! I’m sure Ron would run around with a frying pan if there was a brown mouse around.
Ha ha, that’s good to know Humbert gets to cuddle with the ladies behind the scenes. I love cats, so it would be cool to see him in a future set.
Cat lovers, unite! Yes, Ron is a little scoundrel. I can definitely see a scenario in which that might happen. Good thing he has non-opposable thumbs.
Will def try to get Humbert in on the action but he usually proves to be a bit camera shy. Such a pussy.
Cat lovers, unite! Don’t get me wrong though, I love dogs too, but I prefer cats more: they’re more independent, easier to manage, and aren’t as expensive to care for. I would love to own a Husky someday! That’s my favorite dog breed!
Cats are crafty enough without opposable thumbs in my experience. LOL! Maybe you could entice Humbert to come on set if you offer him bacon?
I love Huskies! They are adorable. I have always dreamt of having a pet wolf and Huskies come pretty close. After all, Game of Thrones used Huskies for their Direwolves and I think they looked pretty awesome. But yes, cats are pretty low-maintenance. Some would say a lot less needy but my cats are quite the needy little critters.
And yes, they are quite crafty, thumbs or not. Little Humbert is on a diet so bacon is a no-go for his tubby little self!
That’s why I love Huskies so much! Lol, I always thought it would be cool to own a pet wolf, so a Husky dog will have to do.
I had name picked out for him, but it turns out “Kiva” is the name for a female wolf. I would also have to move to a colder climate to own a Husky, unfortunately.
Ok, well once Humbert loses his love handles, he’ll be a lean, mean, purring machine. And I bet you he won’t be so camera shy.
Haha great minds think alike! Can Huskies not live in warmer climates? I didn’t know that!
As a proud cat mom, I am happy whether he’s a little more on the rotund side or whether he loses the extra pounds… but the vet thought he could stand to cut back on the treats, so I guess he’s gotta lay off the Cheetos.
Awesome, more Megan!
First saw her on this site and I was smitten immediately.
There will be much more of Megan to come!
Megan is so cute and cuddly looking; a lot like Ron actually.
LOL right on.
Ron is pretty cute and cuddly but I’m betting that Megan smells a lot prettier.
Aww, the 3 things I love most in the world a beautiful women, wine, and a pretty PUSSY cat. Cherie, u managed to combined all 3 in another great set of photos.
Hahaha, thanks Virgil. Ron is definitely a looker. Glad you liked the set. More soon! Shooting a lot lately so I just have to hunker down and do more editing.