For this shoot, I wanted to wink at Danielle’s scream queen background, so late in the shoot, I brought in a knife and some blood. I have to say this: Danielle knows her way around some fake blood. We had her licking it off of the knife and her fingers and I swear she could have told us the brand and vintage without looking at the bottle. In the end, we don’t see the knife in this set (but it will come into play in the next one we post, I promise), but there is one awesome shot of her licking it off her finger that is a promise of things to come.
Danielle was awesome. She’s very comfortable in front of the camera, knows how to pose, and knows her body really well. Oh, and beautiful! Leather suited this look perfectly.
We also asked her a couple of burning questions about the life of a scream queen in-between takes. Take a look:
IHG: What horror movie scares you the most?
Danielle: Anything with aliens.
IHG: What was the most exhilarating scene you’ve ever shot and why?
Danielle: I did a full-on girl fight John Wayne-style with Lacy Chabert in my upcoming film, Ghost of Goodnight Lane. I love a good girl bar brawl!
IHG: What’s your favorite thing to do to kill time waiting around on set?
Danielle: Sleep whenever I can and eat Red Vines from craft service!
IHG: What’s the best thing about horror conventions?
Danielle: After 10 hours of chatting and signing stuff with my awesome fans, I love having a little mini-vacation in my hotel room, ordering room service and watching Storage Wars on TV in bed!
IHG: Do you embrace the term “scream queen”?
Danielle: Absolutely. Wouldn’t have it any other way!
You can’t see it, but a look of jealousy is on my face right now. I’m switching from xbox to ps3 immediately
FYI, Above statement was meant to be posted under James Roth’s comment.
lol, i also have her on facebook, we are good friends, and some times chat on ps3, or play a game., if u get a ps3 ill take ur xbox, lol
Hell, just give me her number and you can have the xbox, lol.
where u live, i want 2 see the xbox first lol, i live in ny
Well, hello neighbor. I live in CT.
what part of conneticut? lol if you want you can text me at (845)640-4012
I live in central CT, about 25 minutes outside of hartford.
text me at (845)640-4012
Sorry, but I don’t really like giving out my number.
just text my number, my number is from a app on my phone
try adding me on facebook click this link
Didn’t you guys read her profile page? She says she’s not even a gamer:
Maybe your gaming partner is not being truthful.
Lol! I think you should hold on to your Xbox, Virgil. Mike is right. She said she only plays pinball. If something is too good to be true, it usually is.
@James Roth I hate to break it to you, but I think your gaming partner is posing as Danielle Harris. Think about it, if it was really Danielle Harris, she would barely be on her PS3 due to her busy schedule.
Geoff and Mike don’t worry I’m not stupid. I know that most likely isn’t her and I would never give up my Xbox. I was just kidding.
Oh, I was just joking around. You seem like a smart guy so I’m sure you wouldn’t fall for that. Besides, Xbox 360 is better than the PS3 IMO.
wtf its not a lie i do know her
@James Roth I didn’t say you were lying, I’m saying someone is probably posing as her on PS3. Look at the link Mike put up, she says she just plays pinball. Why would Danielle lie to Cherie about her gaming interests?
That’s awesome if you know her, but it seems unlikely it’s actually her. There’s only one person who can find out for sure… Cherie, would you be a doll and do some detective work for us?
If it’s not too much to ask, could you please ask Danielle Harris if she’s a PS3 gamer? Lol, I never thought I would ask a question like that. 
Well, I’ll be shooting Danielle again next month, and can run it by her then. I have a feeling she won’t want to get involved though. :-/
You know what Cherie, it’s cool. I don’t think it’s fair of me to ask you to do that. If I’m ever at Comic-Con or something and she’s there, I could just ask her myself.
That is if I don’t swoon upon meeting her. 
I really appreciate you trying to make the effort though.
Thanks Geoff! Well, if I see her before you do, I’ll mention it.
Lol, Geoff everyone has to ask a question like that once in their lives.
Wow! Fantastic shoot! I remember when I was a kid and I saw her for the first time in Halloween 5. I’ve actually lost interest in horror movies, but this is still great! She is one of the original scream queens. And over the years she has appeared in numerous TV shows and movies, which is pretty awesome!
It’s also nice to see Danielle hasn’t forgotten her roots. She is so beautiful and looks very sexy in leather. Cherie, awesome shoot and great call on the leather btw! You know, you should do a short interview with all the models from now on. I wouldn’t even mind at all if you implemented that in the videos as well.
Hi Geoff, thank you! I don’t have a lot of leather but will definitely keep it in mind if I see some interesting pieces.
I am also going to try to remember to do the questionnaires for girls that it applies to, glad you guys enjoyed that part. I used to do interviews with all of the models for Babeology but those videos never performed as well so I didn’t think I needed to continue those here. But now that I know you guys like that, I will try to do them more often (some girls don’t like talking on camera so I thought it was an easy aspect to omit).
I love horror movies, and the Halloween movies were at the top of my “Most Feared” list. (Long story short, I went to one of those giant haunted house things in a mall when I was 10 and the Michael Myers character slow-chased me down the hallway.) Anyway, most kids were always heroes to me in movies since they were relatable (when I was 10), and so I had a kid crush on her back in the day. I am so excited to have her here on the site now!
The videos didn’t perform as well when there was a talking segment? To me that’s surprising, what guy wouldn’t want to hear a beautiful and lovely woman talk? If a model doesn’t want to talk on camera, I understand that.
That haunted house would give me nightmares! Actually it sounds like the ones I had as a kid.
This guy who lived a couple of blocks away from me would design a Halloween display with realistic looking statues of Freddy Krueger and Jason, and with a lot of other creepy and gory stuff thrown in. He would do it every year and it was quite the spectacle around here. It was both awesome and horrifying. Yah, when I was kid I always rooted for the kids in movies too, well, I think everyone did that when they were a kid. Oh wow, well I could see why you’re so excited. I’m glad it worked out! 
Yeah, I don’t know. I never got why they didn’t do as well either. Maybe the saying that women are better seen and not heard rings true for most men. Haha
Halloween used to be my favorite holiday but as I grow older, I’m starting to love Christmas more (presents, yay!). I still love a good scare every now and then (in movies, anyway). Too bad there haven’t been any good horror movies lately.
To me, a woman’s personality is just as important as her looks. No matter how hot a girl is, if she has a bad personality, I wouldn’t be interested… Well… I’m only human, but I would try really hard to walk away.
Christmas is my favorite holiday now too. Now only the presents, but you are with your family. Unfortunately, they just don’t make horror movies like they used to.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Unless she’s like, Olga Kurylenko, then, she can do whatever she wants.
I can’t wait for Christmas! I love when my cats get into their stockings!
Ha ha, you’re such a bad girl, Cherie.
I actually think Olga Kurylenko gets a pass too. I love Russian women and she was a Bond girl after all. 
Same here! I’m really looking forward to Christmas. Lol! That must be really cute to see your cats do that. Wait, I thought you only had one cat, Humbert?
Haha, yeah… I need to make a trip out to Eastern Europe/Russia for some photo shoots.
I have 2 cats, Ron and Humbert. They both make appearances in the backgrounds of photos from time to time.
I love Danielle’s movies and acting. She also looks gorgeous and sexy in leather. Great choice of wardrobe Cherie. I loved the questionnaire as well. Its nice to find out a little more about your models. Keep up the great work Cherie and Danielle.
i know her, i have her as a friend on ps3
Thanks Virgil! Will definitely keep the questionnaires in mind for future shoots.