Christine was all set to move away a month after this shoot. And not just away: to Germany. I definitely wanted to set something up before she went to the land of kolsch and kohlrabi, and we were able to connect on a shoot when I was up in San Francisco recently. I had grand plans to shoot her in a deluxe suite of a downtown SF hotel, but when I saw my room, the deluxe notion went away. Instead, we had to get creative with the space in order to shoot all the looks (a different look will show you our admittedly awesome sunset view… stay tuned!).
Christine was great: warm, open to collaboration, fun to hang out with… And of course beautiful. She’s quick to laugh and I really wanted to capture that spirit in these photos. She’s set to leave to Deutschland any minute, and I’m bummed, because I’d love to shoot her again already. Perhaps a trip to Germany is in order! Wonder if I have any Lufthansa miles laying around…
Cherie I LOVE YOU :* :* :* HUGGY for you!!!
xoxoxoxox!!! <3 <3 <3
Wow! She’s very sexy. I don’t know what it is about a girl wearing glasses that makes them so hot. Awesome shoot Cherie.
That sucks your hotel room wasn’t as big as you’d thought it would be. You made it work though.
She’s moving all way to Germany? That sounds like an adventure. Cherie, you’re going to have to brush up on your German. I’m actually part German, but I can’t really speak any, so I can’t help you out. Unless you want to know how to say s*** in German?
Thank you Geoff! I am a sucker for a girl in glasses, as well.
Yeah, the hotel room was tiny. We made due but I think we could’ve done a lot more in better circumstances. Bummer.
Yeah, I am hoping to find an excuse to travel out to Germany. I’ve never been, and I always love the adventure of exploring new places. Plus I’d have a hottie all ready to shoot there! Score!
Glasses, Pantyhose and Tats, if she was wearing cat ears my head would have exploded.
Hahaha! I know, it’s a deadly combination. I had to leave out the cat ears for that very reason!
Another great shoot Cherie. You change the themes between different shoots very well. Keep up the great work.
Thanks Virgil! I try to vary the looks, but it’s hard when you’re shooting out of the same living room, shoot after shoot.
Christine is dope!
you definitely need to shoot her again
I definitely hope to! I’m going to try to meet up with her in Europe next year.