This was the very first time I shot Sierra. We picked out the outfit, jumped in the car, and headed to the subway station near the studio. I loved the irony of shooting a subway set in Los Angeles, and I couldn’t have found a better model for the task.
Sierra jumped right into action, despite never having worked with me… and despite the shoot being very public. How public? As each train let out, a couple dozen people would truck past us, and more than once a cat call went up from the crowd. One especially boisterous fellow let loose with a memorable “WOOOOW!” But who can blame him? Wow yourself by checking out the gallery below.
Photo 9 must the stairway to Heaven.
I’m seriously considering moving from NorCal to SoCal. Only stuff like this happens in LA.
Wow! She is so beautiful. These are amazing photos! Especially considering Subway lighting isn’t photo shoot friendly.
Haha, this is true, unless you lived in NorCal in the 90s when I was there and running around the streets in my teen-stripper gear.
I would’ve given that outfit a real run for the money.
Sierra is so lovely! She is also quite smart, and has great taste, a total package.
I was prepared for the subway’s cave-like lighting so I brought my speedlight flash with me.
Not my first choice of how I’d light this set but it came out better than I thought.
Cherie that just prove how great you are as a photographer.
Haha, thanks Virgil…
Well, I’ve been in NorCal in my whole life, so that’s another reason I want to move SoCal. Lol, I must’ve missed that, because I would have remembered seeing you. ;P
That just make her even more attractive, which is saying something!
You made an excellent choice bringing that. The lighting in the photos is outstanding!
Well, I do have to say, I much prefer living in LA to living in the bay area… but that’s just me. I like the nice cool temperature of 70 degrees year round but I guess some prefer fog.
I don’t know if it’s possible to make her more attractive!
And thank you! Will utilize my flash more!
These are all great shots. Nice work!!!
Thank you Mike! I appreciate it!
Gorgeous pics once again Cherie. These pics are a great way to end the week.
Thanks Virgil! Hope you had a great weekend.
My week wasn’t the best, but your site and especially, the time you take to respond to everyone’s posts always cheers me up.
Awww, glad I could spread a little bit of cheer to your day. Hope your week has gotten better!
Awesome! I loved her earlier set and your referenced this shoot, but I didn’t think it was ever going to be posted. Great surprised for Friday!
Yay! You read the articles!
Glad to hear you were anticipating this set… I hope to shoot much more guerilla-style sets in the future! Nothing like the risk of getting fined to get the blood-pumpin’. 
real sexy..kisses
Amazing! and really WOOOOWWWW!!!! she looks so lovely!!! great photos!!!!
Thank you! I am really glad you liked them… hopefully we’ll be working with Sierra again soon.