And no, this isn’t a Beastie Boys reference. We’re in the process of moving servers to speed up the site and make hearting girls even easier! If you happen to see anything amiss, or are experiencing site problems in any way, please let us know so we can make your time here extra awesome.
That’s pretty much all we had to say, but just for being so cool and clicking on this, here is Justene to make you happy you did:
Hi Cherie – It’s great to hear it is a temporary delay. I’ve missed having your new posts of gorgeous women. And thanks for the shot of Justene with your update. Just can’t get enough of that lovely lady! You have a wonderful site and your fans will always return to IHG..
PS – love to see some pics of you on the site. You are very beautiful yourself.
Have yourself a fantastic weekend!
Thank you so much! The words of encouragement really mean a lot to me (and keeps me going on this little site). I will be posting more of Justene, hopefully sooner than later!
As for me, if I can peel myself off of this desk chair and get back into shooting shape, I may make an appearance here.
Have a great weekend as well and welcome to IHG!
Oh please – don’t get all modest about your “little” site. I think it is much better than a lot of the “big” sites. I was very happy when I received your e-mail a few months back about starting up IHG. You beat out the competition. You always have beautiful females. And your pics are always done with great style and a lot of class. It’s also very cool that you actually read and respond to the comments people leave. And your replies are always so cute and sweet. You make it feel like I’m visiting the site of a friend instead of some corporate site that is just looking to make money. Keep up the fantastic work, and I’ll be looking forward to more pictures of beautiful women in my inbox courtesy of Sweet Cherie!
This is such an inspiring comment for me… I really appreciate such generous praise. I am so happy to hear that you are happy with the site. Looking at bigger sites is a bit discouraging from time to time. I feel like it’s hard to compete and trying to keep producing content with virtually no budget is a really big challenge for me. It is really great to hear such positive encouragement, makes me feel like my time and effort isn’t being lost in the shuffle of the vast spectrum of similar sites out there. Thank you so much for making my week!
You took the words right out of my mouth Zenster. Well said.
Cherie, I was wondering why it has been awhile since there have been any new pics posted. I was starting to think you were on vacation or something. I’m glad your just updating your servers. I knew you wouldn’t leave your fans hanging.
The better you make this site the happier I’ll be. 
Thanks for being so patient! Our old servers kept crashing so we had to move the site if we wanted people to keep returning to IHG. Hopefully now there won’t be as many problems. Plus, it’s way faster to load for me so that’s a plus! Let me know if you spot any problems… the site is still being a little glitchy.